Terrine 看起來似乎很複雜, 其實不然, 只要一步一步的跟著食譜的步驟進行, 其實一點都不難, 只是要有一點耐心, 按步就班, 不能亂了手腳. 沒有這種特殊的容器並沒有關係, 可以用長方步型的蛋糕模代替, 效果一樣是很好的.
Recipe from: The food of France
Terrine, it's the name of a dish on many restaurant menus nowaday, but its original meaning is the name of an earthenware cooking dish, or a French cooking method which cook all the ingredients in the mold, and serve it sliced with some sauce. It could be made by meats, like Pate, or vegetable, like this one, or even in dessert, like fruit terrine.
It looks very complicated to master, but it's an easy and simple one to make if you follow the recipe step by step. It is not necessary to buy a mold to make the terrine. A loaf pan works just as well. All you need to do is blanch some vegetables, steam few carrots and mash them into puree. Layer them all in the mold in some order. The big WOW factor for your guests will worth all the work you did in the kitchen.
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