
用處多多的燉香橙 Stewed Orange

只要住過美國一陣子的人都知道, 不論你住在哪一州, 一年四季超市的水果永遠都是蘋果、香蕉和柳橙, 無趣透了. 然而柳橙在甜點製作的時候, 卻是很好發揮的材料之一. 只要加上砂糖和水燉煮, 就成了這又香又美又好用的燉香橙.

  1. 作為甜點的裝飾, 例如:放在戚風蛋糕或香草奶酪上.
  2. 作為甜點的盤飾, 以增加美感和口感.
  3. 將其切碎作為蛋糕或蛋糕捲的內餡.
  4. 將其一層一層放入奶油磅蛋糕中再烘培, 可以讓蛋糕更鬆軟濕潤.


Orange is a very common fruit in the States. So what can we do with orange, sugar and water? Using cooking method–stew some orange slices doesn't sound very attractive, but it is a very good way to go, if orange is the only fruit you have handy for making a dessert.

For example, put the stewed orange slice as a garnish on the top of a chiffon cake, or vanilla panna cotta. Use it as a plate decoration for its color and flavor, chop it fine and make it as a spread for filling the sponge cake or roll, or even layer it into pound cakes to make it more moist. Tt's that versatile.

Enjoy, maybe you can create some amazing desserts from this!

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