再次回到溫哥華,最興奮的就是可以吃到道地的中菜,其中我最懷念的算是港式飲茶了。因為妹夫是個港仔,所以我也吃過不少不錯的飲茶。在溫哥華,我們覺得麒麟的飲茶算是第一的,至少是最合我們的胃口的!!這次當然下飛機之後就等不急的馬上報到,好解解饞。在這就 post 幾張照片讓你們也流流口水,羨慕一下吧!

↑ 豆鼓蒸排骨,特別的是盤底有墊幾塊節瓜(zucchini),節瓜和排骨一起蒸,蒸的軟軟的,又完全吸收了排骨的湯汁,感覺是意外的加料。排骨超大塊的,吃起來很過癮。

↑ 魚翅灌湯餃,魚翅是不多,但是湯很好喝,每次一定要點的。

↑ 蝦餃,裡面的蝦子新鮮,又Q又大,很不錯。

↑ 哈哈,我最愛的鳳爪,全是我一個人吃的。

↑ 燒賣也是很有水準,皮薄餡多,吃起來不油的豬肉和鮮蝦,手工混合拌混,所以口感特別有彈性。照片中後面還有炸尖堆,忘了照相,是我們的甜點。(炸尖堆裡面是奶油紅豆餡,包上類似麻糬皮,沾上白芝麻下去炸的)

V 的最愛,椒鹽雞膝,就是雞腿骨頭和肉之間的連接部位,炸的酥酥的加上雞膝本身就很有咬勁,他超愛這道菜。不知不覺的整盤都吃光光,真嚇人!

↑ 鼓油皇腸粉, 這家的這道菜做的很不錯。
Kirin Restaurant
201 City Square(餐廳是在 City Square 裡面的 2 樓)
555 West 12th Avenue @ Cambie Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V5Z 3X7
(604) 879-8038
Monday - Friday
11:00am-2:30pm; 5:00pm-10:30pm
Saturday - Sunday
10:00am-2:30pm; 5:00pm-10:30pm
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drooling drooling.... haven't had din sum for quite awhile. oh, they look so tasty, yummy yummy.
well, since you are at west side of the continent, is SF a stop?
Hi Jessica,
Barbecue Pork Bun, Steamed Rice Flour Roll may also be the good choices. They are just popular here in H.K.
Forgive me for writing in 'Chin-glish' cause my speed in typing Chinese is simply scary!
To TK,
I guess not in this trip............but truly hope sometime soon.
To TasteHongKong,
I love those dishes too!! but it's only two of us went for that lunch, couldn't oder everything........
Don't worry about typing in Chin-glish, I am such a slow typer as well, so I totally understand.
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