Broccoflower 是一種新的花椰菜品種, 大小形狀是類似白花椰菜, 一顆大大圓圓重重的, 聞起來有白花椰菜的味道, 顏色則是像綠花椰菜, 只是淡一些.
在 Union Square Greenmarket 第一看到這種沒見過的蔬菜, 真是令人興奮! 回到家趕緊試試到底和我們平常吃到的花椰菜有何不同? 其實若是生吃, 味道比較像白花椰菜, 但是煮熟吃起來, 卻比較像綠花椰菜.
Broccoflower 是在荷蘭試驗發明, 隨後在1989年引進美國市場, 也許不久的將來也會在台灣的市場上看到它.
Broccoflower is the result of broccoli and cauliflower, and it did look like the combination of both. When eat it raw, it tastes more cauliflower flavor, but when it was cooked, you taste it more like broccoli. Originally, it is from Holland, and first marketed in the United States in 1989. It’s a winter vegetable, go look for it in your local greenmarket and try it!! Taste quite delicate!
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