
紐約高島屋的地下茶室 The Tea Box Café at Takashimaya

高島屋在日本和台灣都是常見的百貨公司, 位於第五大道和五十四街的這家, 是美國唯一的一家海外分店.

百貨公司共有七層, 每一層的面積都不大, 是小巧精緻的經營型態. 位於地下室的 The Tea Box Café 是邀請好朋友吃午餐和享受下午茶的好地方. Café 旁的精品舖, 專賣茶葉、茶壺還有一些和茶有關的商品, 在等待座位時, 不仿逛逛瞧瞧.

Takashima department store at 5th Ave & 54th Street is the place to go when people need to find a special gift. The collection they carry is very different from other department stores in the city, although the display is just as chic and trendy as any other high-end store, the mix of oriental atmosphere is what make set it apart.

The Tea Box Café is located at the basement of the store. There are two sections, one part is the boutique, which sales loose teas, tea accessories, books, and small gifts from Japan. The other side is the café. Hidden and mysterious, with curtain and warm light at the ceiling, no wonder the café is always fully booked at any time.

If you happen to be in New York, and like to invite a friend who admires Asian culture, here is the perfect place to go for a light lunch or the afternoon tea.

【UPDATE】 This place is CLOSED.

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