一口香軟滑嫩的布丁裏, 有著淡淡的奶香, 但不會太濃郁;經過焦糖炒過的鳳梨, 帶有一點微苦, 但因此讓我們更嘗的到鳳梨的自然香甜.
在製作布丁時, 有一些事要稍微注意:
- 鳳梨要盡量切成一樣大小的小塊
- 煮焦糖時不要加水煮, 這種做法叫 "dry caramel";因為不加水, 所以焦糖的微苦特色更能凸顯
- 先讓焦糖鳳梨醬在容器中放涼變硬呈固體狀, 或放入冰箱冷藏一會兒, 再倒入布丁的蛋汁. 這樣焦糖和布丁才不會混在一起

Recipe from "Ripe for Dessert" by David Lebovitz.
This dessert is a truly nice one to make for summer. Pineapple, caramel and flan in one dessert? What a combination!
The special things need to watch out when making this dessert:
- Dice the pineapple small and uniformly.
- Making dry caramel (meaning only using sugar, not sugar and water to make caramel), so it contents less moisture, and more intense flavor.
- Before pouring the custard mixture into ramekins, allow caramel to be hardened. (you could put it into frig for half hour, if the weather is really hot).
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