
頂級起司蛋糕 佐紅酒焦糖醬 3-Cheese Cheesecake with Red Wine Caramel Sauce

馬斯卡邦起司, 麗克塔起司, 和奶油起司是三種常見的起司蛋糕材料, 這個食譜是使用這三種起司做成的, 可以說是頂級的起司蛋糕!食譜是在 Craft 點心廚房的食譜筆記本裏看到的, 還是用手寫的呢. 聽說是某一個廚房工作人員家裏的私房食譜, 真是珍貴.

這個起司蛋糕和一般起司蛋糕不同的是, 吃起來滑軟順口, 但有一點點麗克塔起司的顆粒, 起司味道不重且有淡淡牛奶香. 紅酒焦糖醬是截取自一個蘋果派食譜的一部分, 也可以用在其他甜點的搭配, 例如:千層派和杏仁洋梨塔.

Mascarpone Cheese, Ricotta Cheese or Cream Cheese is often the cheese of the choice when we make a cheesecake. Here, however, in this recipe, is using all of them together, it's as luxury as it can be. The recipe was hand written in the recipe book in Craft's Pastry Kitchen, and no one seems to know exactly whose recipe this is, someone say it's from one of kitchen worker's family secret recipe, they make this cheesecake for family meal only.

The texture of this cheesecake is creamy, but with a little bit grainy feel. The flavor is combined perfectly, and with a milky undertone. I chose the red wine caramel sauce to go with this special cheesecake. The sauce is part of Tyler Florence The ultimate caramel apple pie recipe.

The sauce is part of the apple pie filling. I like to use it as an individual sauce for some desserts, like Mille-Feuille or Tart Bourdaloue, and it works great! The sauce has a slight red wine test with the flavor of caramel. The bitterness, tanginess and sweetness make this unique sauce a standout.

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