
MAC 果汁 + MacGourmet

自從2年以前從 " 我是PC " 轉換成 " 我是MAC "之後,蘋果電腦改變了我的生活。除了冒著 " 拿石頭砸自己的腳 " 的危險硬要買的 iPhone 之外,(原因是認識我的人都知道,其實我對所有電器、電腦的東西都很遜,常常被 V 笑說我要買 iPhone 只是為了看起來很 " 跟的上流行 ",一點也不會物盡其用)還是不後悔的繼續當蘋果電腦的支持者。其中,最大的一個原因是,蘋果電腦的一個軟體 MacGourmet 解決了我的第一大煩惱。

身為一位廚師,最重要的財產除了別人拿不走的手藝之外,第二重要的可能就是食譜了,尤其是在做烘焙的時候,這些食譜記錄可能是多次失敗之後才成功的,多少金錢、時間和血汗的累積啊。但是有時試做過太多食譜,往往不是不知道把紙丟到哪裡去,就是特別收起來,但是要用的時候又找不到,或是一整大疊從雜誌、報紙、甚至包裝盒上面剪下來的剪報,雖然通通都收進檔案夾裡,但東一張,西一張的,有大有小,好亂啊。還有啊,好多網頁上的食譜都好想記錄下來,但是又不想全部都列印出來。哈哈,沒關係,這些 MacGourmet 通通都可以幫你解決。

MacGourmet 可以讓你自己輸入食譜,資料分類齊全,甚至可以記錄份量、食譜出處,還可以貼上照片。還有在 ingredients 的頁面最下面,可以幫你計算轉換的份量,這就可以省去不少時間自己計算,尤其是有的時候自己還會糊塗算錯嘞。

至於網頁上的食譜,可以用它的 Web Clipping 的功能,輕輕鬆鬆的就能把這些公開的食譜佔為己有。

所以你說蘋果電腦是不是要特別為他創作個 MAC 果汁呢? 好,答案揭曉,MAC 果汁就是 Mint + Apple + Cucumber juice. 薄荷葉+青蘋果+大黃瓜果汁。夏天消暑的好喝健康飲料。


TK said...

My precious ThinkPad went kaput about a month ago :( and I have been thinking about converting myself to a MAC user. Heard a lot of user friendly interface MAC offers. Totally agree with you on flying around recipes. Um, the MacGourmet sounds good. Will keep evaluating :)

This juice looks very tasty, but just dump everything to blender? No water, milk or any liquid? And do I need to use mesh to filter out all the chunkiness? Or drink it all to get more fiber...

Jessica said...

hi, dear TK,

I got so excited talk about MacGourmet, and forget about telling more detail for the juice.

I did peel the cucumber, but kept the green apple skin on. I also cut the apple and cucumber into chucks and dump it the blender with a handful of mint leaves. I did not strain the juice, since I like to have all the fiber. The only thing is that you have to drink it right away, the juice will get colored and kind of separated.

I did not add any honey or sugar, since I like the juice kind at the tart side. ( I guess you are the same) You may throw in some ice cubes to make it icy cold, great for the hot summer!

Enjoy!! Hope you will like it!

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