紐約的春天今年來的好遲,大家引頸期盼了整個冬天。前一陣子櫻花開了,讓我有了這個櫻花餅乾的 idea,心想,再加上抹茶,這個我最喜歡的口味,粉紅加綠,光用想的就不自覺的開心起來,而且應該很襯這個美好的天氣。
No. 18 封存春息的櫻花抹茶餅乾
Sakura Matcha Cookies
一轉眼,終結寒冬的櫻花已經吹雪化為春泥,趁著短暫花期採摘鹽漬的櫻花試圖封存了春息,重新一朵朵地綻放在餅乾沃土上;抹茶在奶油的溫柔包覆下持續擴散微苦略澀,游刃有餘的鮮茶香恣意穿梭嗅覺,一抹鹽味默默探出生意盎然的春之味。(By Kathy)
份量:17-20 個 2 吋的圓形餅乾
6 1/2大匙 室溫下的無鹽奶油 (90g, unsalted butter, room temperature)
1/4 杯 細白砂糖 (50g sugar)
1 個 蛋黃 (1 egg yolk)
1/2 小匙 香草精 (1/2 tsp vanilla extract)
1 杯 中筋麵粉 (125g all-purpose flour)
1 小搓 猶太鹽 (a pinch of kosher salt)
1 1/2 小匙 抹搽粉 (1 1/2 tsp Matcha powder)
鹽漬櫻花 (Preserved cherry blossoms, soak in water for 3-4 hours)
少許細白砂糖 (some sugar to finish)
大家還記得我之前做過一個叫做 Matcha Box Pop-up 的 project 嗎?連 Serious Eats 都有報導(嘿嘿,現在想起來還是很開心!!!)。這麼多年來,我還是推薦 Matcha Source 的抹茶,尤其是烘焙的時候,Cafe Grade Gotcha Matcha 的不管在價錢上或是品質上都是我推薦的。
鹽漬櫻花 Preserved cherry blossoms
準備工作,要先沖洗一下,洗掉大部分的鹽份,泡在冷水裏 3~4小時。我是在台灣買的,紐約的日本超市(例如: Sunrise Mart 或是 Misuwa 應該找的到)網路上也買的到。
1. 在 mixing bowl 裡放入室溫下的奶油,用低速把奶油稍微打發。(用手或是機器都可以)然後加入白糖,用中速打到顏色變淺。
2. 加入蛋黃和香草精
3. 先把中筋麵粉,鹽和抹搽粉加在一起
4. 分兩次把乾料篩入

5. 拿出保鮮膜,然後把麵糰倒出
6. 用保鮮膜包好之後,放進一個不透光的袋子裏,例如牛皮紙袋 brown lunch bag,放進冰箱至少 1 小時,直到麵糰變硬。
Tips 小技巧:為什麼要把麵糰包起來????原因是綠茶一遇到光,就容易失去漂亮的綠色,會變得髒髒暗暗的,所以一路上我們都要保持在不見光的環境。
7. 預熱烤箱到 350F
利用兩張烘焙紙或是保鮮膜,把麵糰桿成 1/2英吋的厚度
8. 然後用圓形的 cookie cutter(或是你喜歡的模型),壓出餅乾形狀
9. 把櫻花去水份,壓乾
10. 在鋪了烤紙的烤盤上,擺上餅乾(距離不用很大,餅乾不會變大),每一個餅乾中間壓入一朵櫻花,然後灑上一點點砂糖,放入烤箱烤大概15-17分鐘,中間要上下,前後轉換烤盤。
如果沒有鹽漬櫻花的話,也可以就做成綠茶酥餅 Matcha shortbread
這次在要烤之前,我把整個餅乾放進砂糖裏滾一圈,這樣不但可以增加 crunch 口感,餅乾還會看起來閃亮亮的
Happy Spring, everyone!!

好美 不能抵擋... 來作看看
Yeah!! Happy Baking, Mondayblu!
Hi, I made it yesterday. Delicious. Thank you! Could you please tell me where I can get the cute blossom cookie cutter you used? I think my round cutter is too big. The one you used would be the perfect size.
Hi, Jane,
I got the cookie cutter here:
thanks for sharing the receipt. 我也抵擋不了!
i ordered the Cafe Grade Gotcha Matcha immediately.
got the match today, but the expiry date is 08/12/2013!!
Sent enquiry and they said it's ok to keep in the fridge...... ordered two can, one can original is a gift for my in-laws, but i don't know should i give it to them anymore....
Hi, to 活在異地的熊貓,
I am so sorry to hear that they sent you those matcha, that is not acceptable for good company and good customer service, I won't recommend this brand anymore..........
I went to check my matcha in the freezer ( I keep them in the freezer in the tin ), they are expired too. I use them to make cookies again and they taste the same. I guess it's ok to use them in baking, but not sure how it will taste differently in making drinks. I hope this helps.
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