今年6月,在這裡的白鯨 ( beluga ) 媽媽生了一隻寶寶,是最近海洋生物博物館裡的大事。原本大家可以自由的進入地下室去看白鯨的,但是因為小白鯨的誕生,地下室24小時都有專業人員觀察他們 的活動,加上小白鯨還很小,很害怕吵雜的環境,所以一次只可以有20人進入地下室參觀,所以需要排隊。雖然等了半個小時,但是我們覺得短短的等待其實是非常值得的,在地下室裡,可以近距離的看到白鯨們在你面前自由自在的游來游去,看了真的是好開心啊,同時這個觀察活動還有包括欣賞一個短短的影片,介紹白鯨的基本資料和這幾隻珍貴的白鯨在溫華海洋生物博物館的歷史,看完真的會讓你更想好好的保護這些稀有的動物。
還有,博物館裡新開了一個4D 的電影院,一定要去喔!!不用再多付費用,門票裡已經包括這電影票了。在這裡不能告訴你太多細節,只能說你一定要進去看,百分之百值得推薦。好好玩的。

Vancouver Aquarium
845 Avison Way
Vancouver, BC
V6G 3E2
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Yes, we are sharing this planet with so many amazing creatures. Human kinds don't own the earth and don't have the rights to do whatever we want to it for our own convenience.
Animals' habitats are shrinking because human beings need lands for growing foods, big houses, amusement, etc., which cause a mountain lion appear in the neighborhood seeking food. Ocean creatures' quantities have been dropped dramatically due to overfishing for human beings to consume.
All these contribute to the unbalanced nature, the global warming. Sorry I talked up on this here but I just wish we, human beings, respect every single living being's live, and cherish the earth. Not only those advocates, but every single one of us.
Hey, TK, I really appreciate your words here, I think we all need someone constantly reminding us that we only have one plant, and we should do whatever we can to cherish the earth.
Good words, TK.
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