再過2天(3月17日)是聖派屈克節了,雖然通常我們不會特別慶祝,但是平常讀的一些雜誌和網頁,頻頻著說著有關這個節日的食物,例如 Corn beef brisket & cabbage,Irish soda bread ,Irish coffee,還有所有綠色的食物,當然也少不了黑啤酒 Guinness。上週末興起做了黑啤酒燉牛肉,今天趕緊來寫個文,教大家怎麼做,也許你還來得及一起慶祝一下。
2 TBS olive oil /2大匙橄欖油
1 ¼ lbs. beef stew meat, cut into 1-inch pieces / 560 公克牛肉塊
2 TBS all purpose flour/ 2大匙中筋麵粉
Salt and pepper/海鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味
3 large garlic cloves, minced/3瓣大蒜,切碎
6 cups chicken broth/6杯雞高湯
1 cup Guinness beer/1杯黑啤酒
1 cup red wine/1杯紅酒
2 TBS tomato paste/2大匙番茄糊
1 TBS sugar/1大匙白砂糖
1 TBS dried thyme/1大匙乾的百里香
1 TBS Worcestershire sauce/1大匙辣醬油
2 bay leaves/2片桂冠葉
1 oz. bittersweet chocolate/28公克苦甜巧克力
2 TBS butter, unsalted/2大匙無鹽奶油
12 oz. red potato/340公克馬鈴薯
2 onion, chopped/2顆洋蔥,切大塊
3 carrots, 1-inch pieces peeled/3根紅蘿蔔,切滾刀塊
2 parsnips, 1-inch pieces peeled/2根芹菜蘿蔔,切滾刀塊
Salt and Pepper/海鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味
2 TBS chopped fresh parsley/2大匙切碎的巴西利
1. Heat olive oil in heavy large pot over medium-high heat. Lightly toss the beef pieces with flour, salt and pepper. Working in batches if necessary, add the beef (do not crowd the pan, or the meat will steam and not brown) and cook, without stirring, until nicely browned on one side, then use tongs to turn the pieces over. Continue to cook until all sides are browned, about 5 minutes.
2. Add garlic and sauté 1 minute. Add chicken stock, Guinness, red wine, tomato paste, sugar, thyme, Worcestershire sauce, bay leaves and chocolate. Stir to combine. Bring mixture to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, then cover and simmer 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
3. While the meat and stock is simmering, melt butter in another large pot over medium heat. Add potatoes, onion , parsnips and carrots. Sauté vegetables until golden, about 15 minutes. Set aside until the beef stew in step one has simmered for one hour.
4. Add vegetables to beef stew. Simmer uncovered until vegetables and beef are very tender, about 20 minutes to 30 minutes.
5. Discard bay leaves. Tilt pan and spoon off fat. Add salt and pepper to taste. Transfer stew to serving bowl. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.
Notes: Can be prepared up to 2 days ahead. Cool slightly. Refrigerate uncovered until cold, then cover and refrigerate. Bring to simmer before serving.
↑ 這是幾樣比較不常見的材料,像是海鹽、黑胡椒這些,就不用我雞婆也拿來照了。黑啤酒注意一定要買 Guinness DRAUGHT (通常是鋁罐,照片上那種),常見的還有另一種是 Guinness Extra Stout(通常是玻璃瓶裝),因為 Draught 味道比較濃,比較適合拿來烹煮。

↑ 那怎麼知道好了沒有呢?!你用小刀戳蔬菜看看,只要很容易的穿過去就是好了。這時,試吃一下牛肉,應該是軟嫩的,但是不致於爛爛的。
↑ 這樣就差不多了喔,試吃一下是不是需要再加一點海鹽和現磨黑胡椒調一下味道,拿掉桂冠葉,盛盤之後,灑上巴西利末就可以享受這道好吃的黑啤酒燉牛肉了。

I love stew!!
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