
健康水果早餐 Fruit Salad w/ Leatherwood Honey

在美國生活的日子,最懷念台灣的不是小吃,其實是台灣的水果。特別是夏天,鳳梨、木瓜、荔枝、釋迦、芭樂、蓮霧、龍眼,秋天有巨峰葡萄、柿子、柳丁、 年柑。這些這裡都沒有,中國城如果偶爾有賣,像現在有龍眼和荔枝,都是遠從別的地方進口來的,都乾乾扁扁,不新鮮也不好好吃,看了甚至不會想買來解饞一 下。 啊。。。突然想到芒果, 台灣的芒果冰!!! 真的口水都要流下來了。

最近找到這幾個芒果還算不錯,有一點香味,甜味也還可以,是從墨西哥來的。 加上溫室栽培的大顆草莓、現在正盛產的覆盆子、還有多汁的香吉士,這就是我們的今日健康早餐。( 喔,還有我喜歡的 Libert 優格 )。

我一直是個蜂蜜迷,喜歡收集和嘗試各個地方的蜂蜜。台灣的龍眼蜜是我的最愛,現在真正的龍眼蜜已經越來越少,不太容易找到。去年在紐約的美食展 ( Fancy Food Show ) 上意外嘗到這個 Leatherwood 蜂蜜,大大的驚喜,簡直像是 liquid gold!顏色漂亮極了,香味醇厚但卻很清新,有荔枝香、橘子花香、蘋果香,還有黑莓的香味,感覺好像找到世界珍寶的感覺,好高興嘞。



TK said...

Yes, I miss some of the fruits and veggies that we can't get here in US.

Talking about honey, do you have any method to prevent it being crystallized? And if the honey does get crystallized, what will be the best way to covert it back to liquid?

Unknown said...

hello, TK,

I don't know anyway to prevent the honey getting crystalized, I guess put in a dark place will help preventing. Also if it does happen, I usually boil some hot water, after it's boiled, turn off the heat, and let it sit for 15 minutes so it's not boiling hot and put the honey jar in and let it sit in warm water for maybe 15 min, the honey will become liquid again.

Try this, hope will help.

TK said...

Yallo J, yes, that is the method I have been using. But I always wonder if the heat will destroy the nutrition of honey or cause any release of toxic stuff. Guess it's a safe way to do it then or you will have heard something about it. Thanks.

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