
【我愛食書】A Girl and Her Pig by April Bloomfield

我是屬豬的(噓,不要算我幾歲!!!),註定的這本書是一定要出現在我的 i ♥ food book 書架上,感謝好朋友,新書一出版就買來送給我,還有大廚的親筆簽名ㄟ,好感動!有志同道合的好朋友真是幸福。

一直覺得女性廚師要在專業廚房裡闖出一片天真的不容易,更不用說是大部分是男性天下的 savory kitchen ,Chef April Bloomfield 在還沒被 Mario Batali 在十分鐘的談話內認定之前,是在英國倫敦的幾個小有名氣的餐廳裡磨練,那是在 2003 年的時候。在美國闖蕩了九年之後,現在她在紐約共有三家餐廳, The Spotted PigThe Breslin(就是在 ACE  Hotel 裡面的那家)還有 The John Dory Oyster Bar.

她的食譜給人很 close to you,很有 " 出自真性情 " 的質感,雖然書名叫做 a girl and her pig,但是書裡不是只有豬料理,早餐、配酒小菜、沙拉、湯、牛羊雞、醬汁、蔬菜、甜點都有,中間穿插她自已的故事跟經歷,真是一本讀起來除了會口水直流和手藝發癢之外,還會一直認真看下去的好食書。

 In A Girl and Her Pig, April Bloomfield takes home cooks on an intimate tour of the food that has made her a star. Thoughtful, voice-driven recipes go behind the scenes of Bloomfield's lauded restaurants—The Spotted Pig, The Breslin, and The John Dory—and into her own home kitchen, where her attention to detail and reverence for honest ingredients result in unforgettable dishes that reflect her love for the tactile pleasures of cooking and eating. Bloomfield's innovative yet refreshingly straightforward recipes, which pair her English roots with a deeply Italian influence, offer an unfailingly modern and fresh sensibility and showcase her bold flavors, sensitive handling of seasonal produce, and nose-to-tail ethos. A cookbook as delightful and lacking in pretention as Bloomfield herself, A Girl and Her Pig combines exquisite food with charming narratives on Bloomfield's journey from working-class England to the apex of the culinary world, along with loving portraits of the people who have guided her along the way.
(這段是截自 amazon 的書評,給大家參考)

P.37 Chopped Chicken Liver on Toast
我做了書裡面這個雞肝的食譜,簡單又好吃,只可惜當時家裡只有 brioche 麵包,搭配起來稍微有一點甜味,不過還是很棒,建議喜愛雞肝的人可以試試看(食譜請點這裡

Happy Eating!


aSun said...


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